Shapwick News Autumn 2022

Internet speed survey: Thanks to Steve McCauliffe, we have now launched a simple six question survey with easy to use dropdown lists. All data will be treated in strict confidence and only published in aggregate form. The data will be deleted when the survey has been completed. We hope that you will assist by taking part in this project. The link will be published on Facebook or you can type the following into a browser: Community Land Trust / Affordable Housing: members of the Shapwick Community Group met with Alison from the organisation Middlemarch: Community Led Homes, who explained how Community Land Trusts work in the building of affordable homes within rural communities. The members will report back to the Shapwick Community Group steering committee. 2 AUTUMN I S SUE | OCTOBER 2 0 2 2 The device and its cabinet are monitored and maintained by the Pavilion management. It contains a small heater to keep the device protected from the elements and a light sensor to make sure you can find it in the dark evenings. Please do go and look at the HeartSafe Cabinet to familiarise yourself - it’s a life saving device. Shapwick Defibrillator T IM CANN Did you know you have a community defibrillator accessed from Northbrook Road and attached to the northern end of the Pavilion? The defibrillator is part donated in memory of Gerry Walker by his wife Jane, with support from Shapwick Parish Council, Shapwick and Polden Cricket Club and the Shapwick Runners. In an emergency a 999 call must be made and the controller will authorise access to the device when they have assessed the situation. The HeartSafe Cabinet in which the defibrillator is housed has a What3Words location reference ‘numeral.energetic.easygoing’ printed on it. The emergency services need the What3Words to help identify your location and provide you with the 4-digit code to open the cabinet. When the start button is pressed, the defibrillator provides comprehensive and clear audio instructions on how to attach monitors and pads for electronic pulses from its strong battery and it advises on whether your actions to compress the chest are deep and effective enough to achieve resuscitation. Shapwick Community Group GR AHAM CROUCHE R Village Welcome Document: We have begun delivering copies of this to our new Shapwick neighbours as they move in. We hope that they have found it a source of useful information. As always “help is required”: if you are aware of new Shapwick residents please do let the Parish Council know either by a Facebook Private Message or email We will then arrange delivery. If you are already a resident you can access an online copy via, or on the front page of the Parish website. “I wish Shapwick had……….” Just a reminder of this easy way to give your opinion or make a suggestion in confidence: either complete the Shaping Shapwick form at, or post your wish in the black post box at the entrance to the Village Hall. Your “Wishes” have guided the activities of the Shapwick Community Group. From the Horse's Mouth T R A C E Y LOCK Y E R So it's the time of year the rams go in with the ewes for tupping time. The ewes have a 17 day cycle and the rams are left in with the ewes for 34 days. Each ram has a harness with a crayon attached to it, so when the ram covers the ewe the crayon mark can be seen. This is how we know the ewe has gone to ram. 152 days is the length of time before the ewe gives birth. So watch out in the spring for lambs! The ewes can lose their lambs if they are stressed during pregnancy, for example if they get worried by dogs. Dogs do not have to chase them but just be in their presence for this to happen. So: Please keep dogs on leads around all livestock or better still avoid taking the dog near livestock altogether.